About the Series
In September 2020, after a tumultuous period of fires, smoke filled skies and threat of evacuation, my drone unexpectedly captured the makings/aftermath of a rare Oregon thunderstorm and fascinating (perhaps induced by the heavy smoke) array of wind, cloud and solar patterns. I was hooked and decided to start a small business.
I am a digital transformation consultant, licensed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) pilot and photographer. My initial goal to enjoy flying the drone and "fire watch" at 3 to 4 hundred feet, turned into a rich opportunity to capture stunning aerial images. After checking out a relatives amazing mobile phone images, from the coastal shores of northern California, Retro21 Studios has decided to host the works of other photographers. If you are interested in showcasing your photography on this site, please contact us for further details.
While the colorization of the images are enhanced w/various editing tools, there are no Artificial Intelligence (AI)/structural manipulations of the images. AI structure/manipulated images will appear in the AIScapes "collection".
To provide you with a beautiful representation of the images, we offer prints on premium products such as glass, metal or HD Acrylic,360. Various size/print options are available in the product list - including the ability to purchase a digital download for self-print/framing.
Thank you! And I trust you will appreciate the the beauty of the timeless captures.
Note: For custom renderings (size, frame, print, color schemes), please send your specificiations for pricing to admin@retro21studios.com